Well ,the past two months have been a whirlwind. Between work and Ava, life just does not stop no matter how much I wish it would. I was looking through my camera at the photos and videos and truly cannot remember where the time has been.
We did have two very fun trips over the past two months. One was a trip to Spearman and the other was a trip to Concan. Just a little recap on our travels:
A Trip To SpearmanJenn, Jeran, Ava and I took a trip up to Spearman the first week in September to visit Kasey and Blake and Lindsay and Bentley. Oh what fun we had playing with the horses and the tractors and of course catching up on lost times. IT HAD BEEN FOUR YEARS SINCE WE HAD ALL BEEN TOGETHER.
Jenn and Jeran on the Tractor
Ava just stood in front of the tractor. There was no way she was going to attempt sharing the tractor with Farmer Jeran!
The whole crew for a shot on the couch. It didn't work that well but at least it will be something to remember the trip by.
Introducing Mr. Blake Butts!
Ava and Jeran saying good bye to Spearman. Little did I know what was in store for us the rest of September. We successfully caught almost every type of flu imaginable. We dodged the H1N1 but caught the stomach bug (evidence was left in the isle of the Southwest Plane) and then it was just downhill from there. Thank God for immunity and I am glad we are done with that fun.
A Trip to the Frio River:We also took a trip to Concan in October. Concan is a sweet little place nestled between Hondo and Uvalde on the Frio River. It has a beautiful golf course, wonderful people, and most of all great atmosphere, oh and did I mention cell phone service is minimal. IT IS THE BEST.
Ava loved watching the fish in the river but hated the fact that it was a little to cold to play in it. I tried to take a few pictures of Ava by the river and I am sure you all can imagine how well that went, but just in case, let me narrate -
Ava saw all of the rocks stuck in the mud and felt it very important that she check them out.
So after much work she pries a rock out of the mud, checks it out from a distance,
........and then (and there is no photo because I am screaming no...so you can guess) she sticks it in her mouth.........
So, after we get the rock out of her mouth, she decides to offer a taste of the rock to me....do you see the mud smeared on her cheek..... Just an absolute mess.